The Teachers` and Students` Perceptions toward the Concept of Learning Community in Lesson Study Practices
This article is the study of The Teachers` and Students` Perceptions toward the Concept of Learning Community in Lesson Study Practices. This study investigated 4 English teachers and 8 students who have involved in Learning Community through Lesson Study practices. This study used a descriptive qualitative study design, where the collected data in this study related the teachers’ and students’ perception toward the concept of Learning Community is showed qualitatively. The data were gathered from several data collection techniques namely class observation, questionnaire, and interviews to collect some supporting data. Lesson Study is one of the the best vehicles prepared by the government in terms of increasing the professional competence of an educator. Through Lesson Study, teachers or lecturers can build a learning community, thus collaboration among teachers or lecturers can take place. Actually not only for teachers or lecturers but also can involve the other parties such as students. The result showes that the teachers’ and students’ perception is positive but some of them need a more socialization about the implementation of Lesson Study. Because they are not fully understand about the term of Lesson Study. But overall they have done the concept of Learning Community in Lesson Study Practices. However, there are some teachers and students who are depressed regarding the implemention of Lesson Study, it is caused they are not familiar with this activity. In addition, in this study it was also found that it seemed that the learning community concept had not been fully implemented in several selected schools in this study, through the results of interviews conducted that it was concluded that only a few teachers or lecturers were involved, only those who were appointed or requested directly by the school who took part in the implementation of lesson study. From the findings it is recommended that teachers or lecturers should realize that they need to develop their profesional competence through certain ways which one of them is Lesson Study. Through Lesson Study teachers could learn from each other and recognize the way the students learn in the classroom. And for the government the seminars are very much needed for lesson Study so that the teachers can gain deep understanding about the concept.
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