Media Preference and Health Information Utilisation among University Undergraduates
The function of media information resources and the role of health information specialists continue to change as technology and media revolutionize health information retrieval and utilisation. The desire, tendency and preference to use or not to use a particular information source are affected by the source’s information access behaviour. This study investigates the media preference and health information utilisation among university undergraduates. Correlational research design was adopted for this study using descriptive survey method. Questionnaires were designed and used as survey instruments.The target population for this study were young undergraduates within the ages of 16-24 years. Federal University of Agriculture and Crescent Universitywere selected because they are the two universities within the city of Abeokuta. The study used 25% of undergraduate students from each of the 35 departments that made up 8 colleges in the two universities for the study. Hence, the sample size for this study was 1,745 young adults.A total number of 1,745 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents.This study finds that television and Internet were the most preferred electronic media for receiving health information by young adults.Friends, parents, relatives and health workers were the sources of health information the respondents have used for health purposes. Health information utilisation through health information resources is effective. There is significant positive relationship between media preference and health information utilisation.Conclusion was drawn based on the findings and recommendations made.
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