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A Study on Librarians and Libraries and the Fight against Insurgency and other Related Crimes

Onwubiko Emmanuel Chidiadi


A well informed society does not go on destroying what it collectively has and share rather contributes significantly to the development of the nation as the availability of information resources promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and builds effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. This study therefore looks at librarians and libraries and the fight against insurgency and other related crimes with special focus on the roles of librarians and libraries in fighting these societal maligns. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and was guided by two research questions. The population of the study was 420 librarians selected from both academic, public, school and specials libraries in Nigeria through random sampling technique with the aid of 2023 Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN) membership list while a Likert four point type structured questionnaire was the only instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts from the department of measurement and evaluation of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria using Cronbach’s alpha. Result showed coefficient of α=.80. The questionnaires were sent through respondents emails and were also returned through the same channel 100%. Data collected were analyzed using frequencies and simple percentile. The result shows that librarians and libraries have prominent role to play in this fight for it to be won as national security and the fight against insurgency and other related crimes can only be feasible only when the importance of information towards this angle is recognized and libraries and librarians have the tonic when it comes to information management and dissemination. In line with the findings, the study recommended among other thing that government should make it mandatory for security agencies to utilize research works on national security that emanate from universities and other related research agencies and that security agencies and librarians should partner in information gathering and sharing on issues concerning insecurity and other related crimes.

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