Use Pattern of Internet Based E-Resources by Post Graduate Agribusiness and Plantation Management Students at Indian Institute of Plantation Management: A Case Study
Agribusiness and plantation management students are increasingly expected to use electronic resources while at institute campus. Studies were undertaken to determine the level of use of this type of resource, how students feel about various issues surrounding electronic resources. A structured questionnaire was designed for the survey, which was randomly distributed among 65 post graduate students of Agribusiness and plantation management (PGDABPM) and 58 (89.23%) completed questionnaires were received. Most of the respondents (94.82%) had their own laptop for browsing the information from the wi-fi network of the campus. The study also analyzed Information sources accessing form library and Internet and 56.89% of the respondents use the library for books, 41.37% of the respondent were used both library and internet and only 1.72% were used only internet. The study shows that Google is the most preferred search engine with 98.27%, Yahoo with 87.93% and rediff with 48.27% responding respectively and more than 70.68 per cent of the respondents were satisfied with the world wide web (WWW) services on the Internet.
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